The Cater Care Crew: Sheila’s Administration at Brisbane Airport

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to work behind the scenes of the airport cafes, bars, and restaurants you enjoy before or after your flight? Sheila Albrecht knows all about it. As the Retail Administration Manager for Cater Care (food and beverage provider at the airport), Sheila has her eyes on all parts of the airport dining pulse. With 30 years in the airport dining industry, she’s a highly valued and respected member of the team, often sought after for advice, even during our interview! Her years of experience make her the perfect person to ask about the ever-changing airport world.



Sheila got into the world of airport dining when she was looking for a role that made a real difference directly to people.

“People always need food. I wanted to work with something people actually need and enjoy.”

An ad for a position at Brisbane Airport caught her eye, she applied, and the rest is history. She’s been here ever since.

Over that time, Sheila has witnessed a dramatic shift in food preferences at the airport, from the rise of sushi to the diverse options like Mexican and Vietnamese rice rolls. The coffee culture has also evolved, moving from basic coffee to a variety of options with different milks and syrups.

“When I started here, you never thought about sushi unless you were in Japan! Now I don’t think you could have airport dining options without it.”

Throughout her career, Sheila has adeptly adapted to changing customer preferences and industry trends. She stays in tune with younger people, gathers their ideas, and keeps an eye on global trends.

“You can’t open an outlet we had seven years ago. You have to be aware of what’s new and going on.”


Rewarding moments

Sheila has had many rewarding experiences at work, but a few stand out.

One of Sheila’s standout moments was seeing the complete revamp of the domestic terminal—firstly the Qantas end of the northern terminal, and then the Virgin southern terminal—about seven or eight years ago.

“So much changed, and we all had a hand in making sure it ran smoothly, and the airport dining really evolved from there.”

The arrival of the Concorde in the 90s was particularly exciting for her.

“… when the Concorde came in. It was really exciting. We were even allowed to see the passengers come off!”

Other memorable moments were when the airport was transformed for the filming of Dora, making it look like America, and more recently, being inspired by the female pilots’ stories at the Airport’s International Women’s Day event.

“It’s so good to see women standing up and supporting one another.”


Overcoming challenges 

The COVID-19 pandemic posed a significant challenge for Sheila and the team. “Everything shut. I was based here in International, so it could have gone a lot worse,” she recalls. Her boss quickly moved her back to the domestic airport, where she navigated the uncertainty and nervousness of the staff. Cater Care ensured everyone received their COVID relief payments, which was a relief during such a tumultuous time. When it became clear the pandemic would last longer, Sheila and her team had to close and later reopen the International Airport shop, dealing with an array of issues after a two-year closure. Despite the challenges, Sheila and the team forged on, adapting to the new reality and proving their resilience.

“The good thing to come out of COVID was it gave everybody the realisation they could … work through anything.”



Looking to the future 

As for the future of airport dining, Sheila envisions more upmarket and modern concepts, especially for Brisbane.

“We’re looking forward to a revamp. Shopping centres used to have a complete revamp every seven years, so we’re reaching the stage where it’s time for ours.”

Sheila wants airports to be destinations themselves, with modern, family-friendly facilities. She embraces the constant change in airports, finding excitement in the unpredictability and staying open to new possibilities.

“Airports change every day. There’s nothing the same. You can be coasting along thinking everything is wonderful, but you’ve got to be open to change.”


A surprising culinary delight 

For a bit of fun, while talking about food trends, we asked Sheila about her most surprising food experience—one that she was at first skeptical about but that turned out to be delicious.

“Not at the airport, but we were out, and they served steak, and it had rock melon, pineapple, and honeydew melon. I thought it was going to be odd, but it was really nice.”


Inspiring the future leaders in airport dining 

Sheila Albrecht’s journey through airport dining is a testament to adaptability, dedication, and passion. Her story serves as an inspiration for anyone looking to make a meaningful impact in their career.

Sheila’s ability to embrace change, her meticulous attention to detail, and her openness to new ideas have been key to her success. She shows that with a willingness to learn, a proactive approach, and a collaborative spirit, anyone can navigate the dynamic world of airport dining—and thrive.


For those aspiring to follow in Sheila’s footsteps and find their place in an airport career, here are some key takeaways:

  1. Stay adaptable: Embrace change and be ready to pivot when necessary. As Sheila says, “Airports change every day. There’s nothing the same. You can be coasting along thinking everything is wonderful, but you’ve got to be open to change.”
  2. Be detail-oriented: Paying attention to the finer details can lead to significant achievements, just as Sheila managed to save her company a lot of money by meticulously reviewing operations.
  3. Seek inspiration everywhere: Engage with younger generations and stay updated with global trends. This has helped Sheila ensure the dining options at the airport are fresh and appealing.
  4. Support and inspire others: Sheila’s excitement about events like International Women’s Day and seeing women supporting one another is a reminder of the importance of mentorship and community.
  5. Passion for your work: Choose a career that aligns with your interests and passions. Sheila’s desire to work in the food industry because “people always need food” fuelled her long and successful career.

Sheila’s story is not just about managing airport food outlets; it’s about building a career that evolves with the times and impacts countless travellers. Her journey shows that with passion, adaptability, and a supportive environment, you too can carve out a fulfilling career and leave a lasting legacy.


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