Tips to Boost Immunity During Winter Factsheet

As we start to head in the colder months of the year, our risks of catching or transmitting a cold or a flu are dramatically increased. This pattern of increased infection is because as the temperature plummets we begin to spend more time indoors, where viruses are more easily transmitted from one person to another in close proximity.

Whilst there is no one food, nutrient, or supplement that can singlehandedly prevent us from catching colds or flus, eating a well balanced diet that includes a diverse array of nutrients can boost our immunity to help us fight off colds and flus. Additional inclusions to a balanced diet to raise your immunity should include a wealth of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and vitamins.

By ensuring your diet regularly supplies you with all the minerals and vitamins your body needs to be able to run your immune system at peak performance, the choices you make at mealtime can start going beyond concerns about what will help keep you the warmest and start factoring in to plans to improve your health.

While getting an extra helping hand from your dietary intake is no replacement for the conventional strategies of washing your hands well, covering your nose and mouth when you cough, and staying home when you’re sick, making a few simple changes might give your immune system the fighting chance it needs to keep you up and about the next time someone sneezes nearby. Click the button below to join the dietitians from Cater Care’s food team as they explore some practical tips and the ins and outs of key nutrients that can help boost your immunity this winter.


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