Embracing Reconciliation: Reflections on KARI Foundation’s Unity Day and the Path Forward

At Cater Care, we believe in fostering a culture of inclusivity and celebrating the rich diversity of Australia’s First Nations peoples. Recently, we’ve been reflecting on our recent participation in KARI Foundation’s Unity Day event and consider how we can use this momentum and inspiration to continue driving positive change in our community.

Unity Day served as a powerful reminder of the importance of coming together to honour Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures. Four members from Cater Care’s Brisbane head office drove down for the day, setting up a free community sausage sizzle for the volunteers and visitors of the event to enjoy.



Running the food stall at the event allowed us to connect with attendees from diverse backgrounds and share in the spirit of community and celebration. It was humbling to see people from various backgrounds and cultures come together to learn about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and hear the many languages as people bundled through the sausage and sauce stations.

When we asked people about their favourite part of the day as they chatted with us as we served up their food, we never received the same answer. And yet the excitement was visible on their faces as we heard about music, animal shows, dancing, face painting, and the Aboriginal artworks sold in the markets.

A tiring day for us on the stall, but energising, seeing the community engaging and growing, achieving KARI Foundation’s goals of awareness and unity, meeting their mission:

“We work with community to create meaningful points of connection to share Aboriginal culture and achievement.”—KARI Foundation



Reflecting on our experience, we are reminded of the profound impact that community engagement and cultural celebration can have on fostering understanding and reconciliation. Unity Day challenged our perspectives and opened our eyes to new opportunities for growth and development as a community.

Kevin Alley, our Indigenous Participation Manager, beautifully articulated the significance of Unity Day in his recent LinkedIn post, highlighting how it showcased and promoted Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture to a diverse audience. His reflections underscored the importance of events like KARI’s Unity Day in building bridges between communities and fostering mutual respect and understanding.

“Reconciliation isn’t confined to a single day or week—it’s a continuous journey, a lifestyle, woven into the fabric of our daily lives. Unity Day served as a poignant reminder of this truth, and I am immensely grateful that Cater Care had the opportunity to be a part of it.—Kevin Alley



As we look towards the path forward, Cater Care is committed to actively driving positive change and promoting reconciliation in our community. We recognise that reconciliation is an ongoing journey that requires dedication and commitment from all members of society.

Through initiatives like Unity Day and our ongoing support for National Reconciliation Week, we are working towards creating a more inclusive and vibrant community where all voices are heard and respected. We believe that by embracing reconciliation and celebrating Australia’s rich cultural heritage, we can build a stronger and more united future for generations to come.

Join us as we continue on this journey towards reconciliation. Together, we can make a meaningful difference and create a brighter future for all Australians.


Kevin Alley
Indigenous Participation Manager
Ph: 0424 175 945


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