Maximising Resources in a Changing Remote Landscape

Is your catering and remote camp management partner helping your residents do their best work?

A recent workplace productivity study revealed that the Australian mining industry suffers from up to $22,000,000 in annual lost productivity for every 1,000 workers suffering from poor health. Their poor health manifested in several ways, but most often as psychological distress, excessive alcohol consumption, and critically poor nutrition and dietary intake. Diet and lifestyle were noted as being two major contributing factors to this dire loss, and working hand-in-hand with a flexible strategic camp catering services partner can go a long way to alleviate these issues that residents face – improving your site’s productivity and profitability.

Here at Cater Care, we are the food- focused catering amongst mining camp catering companies, with more than two decades of experience in remote site management, mining camp management, camp catering services, village management and FIFO catering, we understand the complex and unique challenges that mini site management and their residents face, and we’re equipped to provide all the necessary advice for you to deliver the best possible outcomes for your camp.

Your choice of strategic yet flexible partner will go a long way towards determining the conditions of your camp, and it’s important that you choose a partner that can adapt to the changing conditions of the worksite and broader industry. Our latest eBook, Maximising Resources in a Changing Remote Landscape, contains all the information your company needs to make an informed choice of strategic partner and start reclaiming lost productivity.

Download our latest eBook

Find out more

Get in touch with us now to find out more details about our services for remote and mining sites.

Or connect with Hayley Steyn (all states and territories, except WA) and Brad Walther (WA) now.

Hayley Steyn

Ph: 0429 542 682

Bradley Walther

Ph: 0488 745 357


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