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Financial Stressors & Support: Breaking Even in Aged Care

For many aged care homes across Australia, remaining profitable or even managing to break even on operating costs has been an uphill battle since the start of

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Indigenous Participation in 2022

The value of Community means more to Cater Care than just engaging with the immediate communities in which we operate; it means supporting, empowering and forming lasting

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My first three months at Cater Care

My first three months at Cater Care 3 months have already passed since I joined Cater Cater as Director of Corporate Development. It feels like it’s gone

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Never missed a meal

Covid-19 in 4 words for aged care: Never missed a meal Four words that create a bold statement together. Throughout the pandemic, Cater Care never missed a meal

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National Safe Work Month 2021 at Cater Care

This year’s theme for National Safe Work Month is think safe, work safe, be safe, placing emphasis on the entire life cycle of safety.  Think safe: The

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[Media Release] Cater Care launches Thrive to support employee mental wellbeing

Cater Care is launching a brand new mental wellbeing program on July 12 called Thrive, in collaboration with mental health specialist provider, Happiness Co’s, Employee Happiness Program,

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