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Healthy Eating Choices Launched at Jellinbah Village

The effects of the FIFO lifestyle on workers has been an ongoing concern with recent studies revealing that on average one-third  of Australian workers suffer from a

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Mia Hampson – National Aboriginal Liaison Manager

In September this year, Mia Hampson joined Cater Care as our National Aboriginal Liaison Manager. Mia is a proud Guringai woman from Hawkesbury River on the northern

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Catering to CALD Residents in Aged Care

As we all know, food provides a vital source of nourishment and sustenance. For many people though, food has a much bigger, more personal role in their

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Allergen Control – Why it matters in Aged Care

Allergic diseases are among the fastest growing chronic conditions in Australia, affecting 1 in 5 Australians. Allergies are more prevalent in the younger population, however, they can

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How to Keep Your Melons Safe

Melons are a great source of nutrition and dietary food for aged care residents. But did you know that melons can cause serious foodborne illnesses to your residents

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RAPs Lead to Real Results for All Australians

Cater Care’s Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) is a uniquely tailored program that outlines how we will contribute to reconciliation in Australia; a framework for our vision for

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