Chocolate and Fresh Orange Tart with Minted Orange Salad and Crème Fraîche

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Serves: 4



  1. Pre-heat an oven to a moderate temperature – 160°C.
  2. In the bowl of a mixer add the butter, icing sugar and plain flour. Mix until the ingredients have combined and resemble fine breadcrumbs, then add the first batch of egg and egg yolk and continue to mix until the ingredients combine and form a dough.
  3. Remove the dough from the mixer, lightly knead until smooth, cover with cling wrap and place in a refrigerator for 30 minutes to allow the dough to rest.
  4. Lightly flour a clean surface and roll the dough out to an even 3mm thickness.
  5. Lightly spray oil a 25cm diameter and 2cm high fluted tart tray. Carefully lay the pastry into the tart tray, gently pushing the pastry into all of its corners and folding any excess pastry over the rim of the tart tray, place into a refrigerator for 10 minutes to firm up.
  6. Remove tart tray from the refrigerator, line the base and sides of the pastry with a single sheet of baking paper and fill with baking beans (uncooked rice can also be used). Place the tart tray onto a shallow baking tray and place in the oven to ‘blind bake’ for 10 minutes. Remove the tray from the oven, remove the baking paper and baking beans, return the tray to the oven. Continue to bake for further 10 minutes or until the pastry has dried out and lightly golden. Remove from the oven and set to one side.
  7. In a saucepan, over moderate heat, add the double cream, milk, orange zest, and sugar, mix until all of the ingredients have combined. Bring the mixture up to the boil, whilst stirring regularly to ensure the sugar has dissolved. Remove the saucepan from the heat.
  8. Immediately place the chocolate pieces into a mixing bowl, and pour the hot cream mixture over the chocolate. Stir until the chocolate has melted and the mixture is completely smooth.
  9. Set to one side and allow the mixture to cool for 10 minutes. Add the second batch of eggs and mix until thoroughly combined.
  10. Pour the chocolate mixture into the pastry base to just below its lip. Place the tart into the oven and bake for 25 minutes or until the chocolate mixture has just set. Carefully remove from the oven, set to one side and allow the tart to cool to room temperature.
  11. Whilst the tart is cooling carefully cut out the flesh between each segment of each orange. Add the segments and mint to a bowl, and gently mix until they are combined.


Place a slice of the tart onto the center of each serving plate, top each slice with a generous dollop of crème fraîche, and then top the crème fraîche with a little of the minted orange salad, The remaining crème fraîche and salad can be served at the table for guests to help themselves to a little more.

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