Aged Care

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LASA 2020 Congress: Part 2

Welcome to the second part of our LASA 2020 Congress wrap up Missed part 1? No worries, you can catch up here.   How’s Your Mental Health?

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LASA 2020 Congress: Part 1

LASA – More Accessible than Ever This year has certainly thrown a lot of challenges in the path of our aged care providers – even for the

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Faces at the Front Line

As COVID-19 continues to grip our nation, in Victoria, Cater Care provides services to several facilities in full lockdown. More than 100 of our dedicated staff continue

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Food Safety Tips

We’re a company that takes pride in our work and the consistently high standard we deliver can only be achieved through the efforts of our staff. Each

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How Cater Care is Innovating in Aged Care

Innovations in Aged Care  Cater Care is helping providers around Australia not only meet but exceed expectations for the government’s Quality Standards audits. Food is one of

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Adapting During COVID-19

As the ease of restrictions from COVID-19 begin, we reflect on the great efforts of our teams across the nation who were able to quickly adapt our

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